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A Night of Encounter with Paul Young and Bradley Jersak!

Livestream Thursday, August 12th, 7:00 pm EST
with VIP Q&A event at 6:15

Yes, that's Wm. Paul Young, author of The Shack, with his friend, fellow theologian and co-author, Bradley Jersak. This is going to be quite a night as we raise funds together for the future of Roots&Branches!

Few voices are influencing the renewal of Christian theology today more than these two. Have you seen Susan's interview with Bradley Jersak in the Healing Our Image of God series yet? So, so powerful. Head here to watch now!

Here's what the evening looks like:

  • VIP Event: 6:15-7:00 pm EST. Your chance to join with a limited number of guests in a live conversation via zoom with Paul and Bradley. Bring your questions. Nothing is off limits!

  • Livestream from the R&B website: 7:00 pm EST. I'll be talking with Paul and Bradley about the importance of encounter in our personal healing journeys, a word that's at the very center of our mission. Then they'll lead us in a healing practice centered on encounter.

How can you join in?

1. Help sponsor the evening. All sponsors receive VIP passes based on their sponsorship level. Sponsors names will be listed on the livestream page.

  • Silver: $250

  • Gold: $500

  • Platinum: $1,000

  • Platinum Plus: $5,000

2. Reserve your VIP pass to join the live conversation beginning at 6:15 EST. Passes are $75 per guest.

3. Pre-register for the livestream and purchase virtual tickets entering you for chances to win one of our raffle prizes including:

  • VIP passes

  • Signed copies of The Pastor, Paul and Bradley's new book (US only)

  • Signed copies of rooted (IN), Susan's book (US only)

  • Free Rooted Prayer Experiences--in person or by zoom

4. Help us spread the word by inviting friends to join us!

We hope you'll join us for this very special Night of Encounter!  Click the link below to sponsor, reserve or pre-register now!